Staring at the screen for a long time…risks CVS disease

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Staring at the screen for a long time…risks CVS disease

CVS is a group of eye and vision symptoms that result from prolonged use of computers, tablets, or mobile phones, including the habit of looking at the computer screen closer than half a foot. The severity of the symptoms increases with the duration of use.

Studies have found that approximately 90% of people.

Who use computers continuously for more than 3 hours per day will have one or more symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome that may affect their daily quality of life.

CVS symptoms may start with eye irritation, discomfort, eye irritation, eye pain, blurred vision from staring without blinking, and occasional dry eyes. If it is severe. There severe headaches. And if these symptoms occur frequently and for a longer period of time, in addition to affecting the development of more eye diseases such as dry cornea, it may also result in temporary myopia. In particular, myopia is found to affect up to 32% of CVS patients.

This disease can occur in both children and adults.

And may be at higher risk of this condition if staring at the screen in a place with low light or having an improper sitting position while using it. There are many สมัคร ufabet factors that stimulate the symptoms of CVS, such as staring at reading books or staring at a computer screen. Which causes less blinking, making the eyes dry more easily, inappropriate lighting in the room, reflections from the computer screen, the letters on the computer screen are not as smooth and clear as printed text on the page, or the instability of the signal on the computer screen, causing the eyes to try to focus more, causing eye fatigue more easily, including improper sitting postures.

People who are at high risk of developing Computer Vision Syndrome include people. Who have to work in front of a screen for long periods of time, such as general office workers, writers, graphic designers, students, online learners, and people who have to sit in front of a computer for long periods of time.